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Mon-Fri from 7am-3:30pm

Resident’s Guide

Please watch the following video, courtesy of the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, to learn how you can reduce mosquito breeding habitats around your home.

Backyard Mosquito Breeding Habitats

Can you identify all of the possibly mosquito breeding habitats in this backyard?

Hint: There are 12 locations

Backyard Mosquito Habitats V.2

Correct! ✔

Rain Gutters

Correct! ✔

Rain Barrel

Incorrect ✘

Regularly Changed Pet Dishes

Correct! ✔


Correct! ✔


Incorrect ✘

Active/Flowing Fountain

Correct! ✔

Old/Unused Tires

Correct! ✔

Uncovered Boat

Correct! ✔

Tree Hole

Correct! ✔

Bird Bath

Correct! ✔


Correct! ✔

Neglected Pool

Correct! ✔

Leaky Hose

Correct! ✔

Flower Pots

Reveal All Button

Checklist to Prevent Mosquito Breeding Around Your Home

To prevent mosquito breeding, check these objects often and dump any standing water.

Rain Gutters

Flat Roofs

 Neglected Pools

 Pool Covers

Non-running Water Features (birdbaths, ponds, broken fountain, etc.)


 Garden Equipment (hose, buckets, wheelbarrow, etc.)



Uncovered Boat

 Boat Cover

 Tires (old tires, tire swings, etc.)

 Pet Bowls

 Leaky Faucets

 Tree Holes (rot hole, hollow stump, etc.)

 Flower Pots

 Trash (cans, bottles, bottle caps, bags, etc.)

 Barrels or Drums

 Water Troughs

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